Dance Therapy that mixes Art, Expression and Movement.

What happens in this journey?

We get in touch with our subconscious using art and movement to see what it has to tell us.

We draw our emotions, our challenges, then we dance our drawing.

We also play with poetry, intuitive writing mixed with dancing.

Or in a sort of family constellation, we dance our different archetype, our struggles and our stories in interactions with other dancers.


“Dear mateo,
Thank you for the space you created yesterday.

It was the perfect safety bubble to have the things coming up that needed to arise to been seen.



Come and experience this combination of dance, expression and creativity!

Infos pratiques DANSE CRÉATIVE

15h – 18h

€ 7 – 27

No experience needed!

No reservation needed!

Nb. L’atelier sera guidé en français…



A playground where Ecstatic Dance, Contact Impro & Connection meet!

On this dancefloor, fun & pleasure will meet safety & boundaries!

Do you feel a longing to dance and connect?

To feel safe and let your energy flow in contact with others?

It’s a place where you can:
– Dance Contact-Impro
– Improvise on Partner dancing
– Explore sensual dancing
– Dance alone

We have a frame and guidelines that creates a safe container for you.
– connection games
– putting attention on the boundaries
– easy ways to express them

So that your life energy can flow!

With live music during the opening and closing ritual!

Hosted by Mateo and his partner Ellen

Infos pratiques ECSTATIKOS JAM

20h- 23h (door closed at 20h15)

€ 7 – 27

No experience needed!

No registration needed

Nb. Le warmup sera guidé en français et en anglais…